MMFT Program Description
The Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MMFT) offers a license-eligible degree in academic and clinical training for the assessment and treatment of families, couples, and individuals in their systemic contexts. The 69-hour credit program provides students with foundational coursework and core courses in marriage and family therapy with clinical training that includes 500 minimum hours of direct client contact with 100 hours of supervision during a minimum of three consecutive semesters or 12 months and 15-20 hours weekly (under the supervision of an AAMFT Approved Supervisor or AAMFT Supervisor Candidate). At least 40% (200) of the 500 supervised, direct client contact hours must either be “relational hours,” “relational group hours,” or therapeutic sessions conducted with couples and/or families present in the therapy room.
See the MMFT Student Handbook for more details
Student Achievement Data
Curriculum Requirements
69 Semester Hours Minimum
I. Assessment and Diagnosis (6 SH):
MMFT 604 Diagnosis of Mental and Emotional Disorders
MMFT 630 Assessment and Treatment Planning in Family Therapy
II. Human Development and Family Relations (9 SH):
MMFT 640 Family Therapy: Children and Adolescents
PSYC 600 Advanced Human Growth and Development
PSYC 615 Advanced Psychopathology in the Family Context
III. Practice of MFT (15 SH):
MMFT 600 Emerging Cross-Cultural Issues in Families and Communities
MMFT 606 Practicum I: Therapeutic Alliance
MMFT 607: Practicum II: Clinical Procedures
MMFT 620 Couples Therapy, Theory, and Techniques
MMFT 670 Human Sexuality and Contextual Sex Therapy
IV. Professional Identity and Ethics (6 SH):
MMFT 610 Professional Identity and Issues in Marriage & Family Therapy
MMFT 680 Legal & Ethical Issues in Marriage & Family Therapy
V. Research (3 SH):
PSYC 625 Research Methods & Program Evaluation
VI. Theoretical Foundation of MFT (9 SH):
MMFT 601 Introduction to Family Systems
MMFT 602 Family Therapy Theories
MMFT 621 Advanced MFT Theories and Special Issues
VII. Clinical Practice (9-15 SH):
MMFT 690 Internship in Marriage & Family Therapy (3-5 consecutive semesters)
VIII. Additional Core Coursework (12 SH)
MMFT 603 Theory and Practice of Group Therapy
MMFT 605 Addiction in Family Systems
MMFT 608 Crisis Intervention
MMFT 685 Advanced Trauma Focused Assessment & Intervention
State-by-State MFT Licensure Requirements
To determine the portability of the North Carolina MFT licensure requirements, it is encouraged that all students and stakeholders compare and contrast North Carolina academic and experiential program requisites for licensure to the MFT licensure requirements of other potential relocations.
Credit: Shared by Scott A. Ketring, Ph.D., Program Director, Auburn University.
Pfeiffer MFT Clinics
MMFT students can gain valuable experience under the supervision of licensed therapists at either of our MMFT clinics. Learn more about Pfeiffer Clinics.
PIMFT (Charlotte Clinic) Annual Report 2020 – 2021
PIR (RDU Clinic) Annual Report 2020 – 2021