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Degree Completion Admissions
Academic Catalog
Degree Completion Programs
With the Bachelor of Arts degree in education, you’ll gain the knowledge, develop the skills, and establish the professional dispositions necessary to enter the classroom as a school teacher (P-12). Through theoretical coursework linked to classroom practice in settings near you, you’ll gain practical, hands-on experience in the field to apply the ideas and techniques learned in class. As you work through the program with our experienced faculty, you’ll demonstrate your planning, analytical, and critical thinking skills as well as practice the principles of servant leadership. By the end of the program, you will be a highly qualified educator prepared to engage and excite learners.
This program prepares educators for a wide variety of public, charter, private, parochial, church, and home-school classroom settings. With licensure and non-licensure options, you can choose your own path.
Program Overview

Find your future in education through a simultaneously flexible and comprehensive degree program that leads you into the teaching career of your dreams.
48 credit hours
100% online
Licensure track options available
Pfeiffer’s teacher education program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and approved by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).

Introduction to Education (3 SH)
The Educational Professional (2 SH)
Digital Learning Competencies I (1 SH)
Digital Learning Competencies II (1 SH
Learner and Learning I (3 SH)
Lesson and Curriculum Design (3 SH)
Diversity & Cultural Competency
Intro to Special Education (3 SH)
Educational Assessment (3 SH)