Professional Core Courses:
Development and Learning (3 SH)
Diversity & Exceptionalities (3 SH)
Matching Instruction to Student Needs (2 SH)
Assessment of Students with Diverse Learning Needs (2 SH)
Research & Practice in Social-Emotional Learning (2 SH)
Special Area Courses:
Mathematics: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (3 SH)
Integrating the Curriculum (3 SH)
Teaching 21st Century Literacy in the Multicultural Classroom (3 SH)
Internship in Elementary Education (3 SH)
Special Education – General Curriculum
Mathematics: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (3 SH)
Teaching 21st Century Literacy in the Multicultural Classroom (3 SH)
Collaboration and Instructional Delivery in Special Education (3 SH)
Internship in Special Education (3 SH)
Health and Physical Education
Research & Practice in Elementary HPED (3 SH)
Research & Practice in Secondary HPED (3 SH)
Internship in Health & Physical Education (3 SH)
Secondary Education
Research & Practice in Secondary Education (3 SH)
Technology for the 21st Century Classroom (3 SH)
Internship in Secondary Education (3 SH)