The Office of Alumni Relations has partnered with Publishing Concepts, Inc. (PCI) to create an oral history project and accompanying book, Falcon Tales.
We’re asking alumni to share their Pfeiffer stories for this project. Our alumni voices will co-write a book of stories and alumni memories that will celebrate our alma mater and its special history. This project isn’t an alumni directory; rather, it’s a nonfiction project that records your stories for future generations.
In addition to collecting your stories, PCI will assist the Office of Alumni Relations with collecting updated contact information from alumni to ensure that you stay connected with Pfeiffer. This is a 12-month project, and we are so excited for the finished product! We’d never be able to tackle a project like this on our own, but by partnering with PCI, we’re able to collect and assemble your stories into an awesome book of your favorite Falcon Tales!
Do I have to buy something?
NO! This project is being done at no cost to our alumni. You may purchase the completed book if you wish, but there is no obligation to buy.
What’s Next?
You will be receiving postcards and email communications from the PCI team requesting that you verify your contact information. Upon doing so, you’ll have the opportunity to share your Pfeiffer story with a representative who will walk you through the process. We invite you to share one of your best Pfeiffer memories for this special project!

What should I include in my Pfeiffer story?
It’s all up to you . . . but here are some ideas for you to consider:
- What kinds of relationships did you make on campus?
- What were your favorite classes, and how did they shape your life?
- What kinds of pranks did you pull, and who had your back?
- What activities did you enjoy as a student?
- What do you remember about your graduation?
- What did you do after college?
Frequently Asked Questions by Alumni
We have partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an Oral History Publication for Pfeiffer University. PCI is a family owned business based in Dallas, TX that has published directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities, and military organizations across the nation for over 100 years. This project allows us to hear about your personal experiences from your time at Pfeiffer University and how the school helped to shape your life since then. And, while we have you on the phone, we want to make sure your contact information is up to date.
Yes, in a few different ways:
- Updated Information – allows us to effectively communicate with and engage alumni
- Legacy – sharing and collecting stories preserves the history of our school
- Revenue – generates non-dues revenue for alumni programs
- Pride – wearing apparel shows support and love for our school
PCI is committed to protecting your information. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI for the publication of the Oral History Project will be confidentially held by PCI, except to the extent that they are utilized in, or in the preparation of, the Oral History Project and except as required by court order or law.
- If you have received a postcard or an email with a telephone number, you may call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the Oral History Project. The representative will verify the information we have on file for you, make any updates where needed, and then ask you to share your story about your time at Pfeiffer University. Your story will be recorded and the sound clip provided to Pfeiffer University at the conclusion of the project.
- If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online site to review your information and submit a story.
- If you did not receive a postcard or email, you may call the dedicated Pfeiffer University update line at 1-855-877-2826.
- If you are living internationally or are unable to call the update line, please email customerservice@publishingconcepts.com. PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your written story and photo.
If you would like to participate and are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, please email customerservice@publishingconcepts.com. PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your written story and photo.
The only information that is included in the publication is your name, class year and degree, along with your story and photo. No contact information is printed. When you call to update your contact information, it will only be used to update your alumni record for the school/alumni association. You may revoke consent for your story and/or photo to appear any time before 12/1/23 by contacting PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 / customerservice@publishingconcepts.com.
You can call back at any time before 12/1/23 to share your story.
You will receive an email with a link to upload one photo (black and white or color) plus a caption.
If you have also purchased a book but do not have an email address on file, you will be sent a photo mailer to send a physical photo to be printed (note: the photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope).
The Pfeiffer University Oral History Publication is available for sale only to Pfeiffer University alumni.
The total duration of the Oral History Project is about 12 months. Since we began the project in June of 2023, the books will be distributed in June of 2024.
Contact PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 and they will take care of this for you.

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