Etiquette Dinner (Pfeiffer Life)
Dining room in back of Stokes Dining Hall
Pre-registration is required for this event: Etiquette Dinner – Student Registration
The deadline to register is Monday, April 22 at 12:00 noon
The Etiquette Dinner is an opportunity for students to practice proper dining etiquette while they enjoy a meal facilitated by the Office of Student Development/Office of Career Services.
By being exposed to dining etiquette, students actively hone their professionalism to build the confidence and presence they need to compete for internships and jobs. In many instances, an interview will include a meal or meals. Understanding how to conduct yourself in these situations is very important. We will teach each aspect of dining etiquette, allowing students to then practice the proper techniques.
The topics covered at the event include:
• The beginning of a meal
• Proper use of a napkin
• Appropriate foods to choose from the menu
• The place setting and purpose of each item of cutlery
• The proper way to eat soup, bread, salad, the entrée and dessert
• The Continental/European style of eating and the American style of eating
Seating is limited, and seniors will be given preference. Students must pre-register to attend.