Eugene I. Earnhardt Speaker Series
The Eugene I. Earnhardt Speaker Series at Pfeiffer University presents Michele Gillespie, award-winning educator and acclaimed author, on March 24. As a foremost historian of the American South, Gillespie is deeply committed to honoring all people’s experiences and voices. She is the author of two prize-winning books and has served as the Provost of Wake Forest University since 2022.
Gillespie’s presentation – entitled Everyday Heroes and History: Leadership, Meaning and Making a Difference – is supported by the North Carolina Arts Council and the Stanly County Arts Council. The event will be held in Merner Gymnasium on the Misenheimer Campus. It begins at 10 am and is open to the public and free of charge.

Meet the Author Luncheon
Join Pfeiffer University’s Friends of the Library for their Spring 2025 Meet the Author Luncheon on March 25, at 11:30 a.m. in Stokes Student Center’s Grady Board Room on the Misenheimer Campus. The luncheon speaker is Daniel Wallace, the J. Ross MacDonald Distinguished Professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is author of six novels, including Big Fish which was adapted and released as a movie in 2003. In 2013, the book and the movie were mish-mashed together and became a Broadway musical. His most recent novel, Extraordinary Adventures, was released in 2017. He has also written and illustrated a children’s book, The Cat’s Pajamas, in 2014 and published a memoir, This Isn’t Going to End Well, in 2023.
Tickets are $35 and on sale now. Seating is limited.

Join Falcons on the Carolina Coast
Calling all Pfeiffer alumni along the Carolina coast! You’re invited to a fantastic evening of BBQ, sides, dessert, and drinks (wine, beer, and water) at the Creekside Yacht Club in Wilmington, on April 12, from 5:30-9 pm. Best of all, there’s no charge! Don’t miss this chance to reconnect and enjoy a great time together. See you there! Please RSVP by April 5 to Della Daniels Raines ’74 at draines50@gmail.com.

Homecoming 2025
Homecoming 2025 at Pfeiffer University is on the weekend of September 20 this year. Save the date, and start making plans now! All alumni are invited, but it’s a milestone reunion year for Pfeiffer Classes ending in 5 or 0! Class of 1975, it’s your 50th! Class of 2000, it’s your 25th! You’ll definitely want to join classmates, roommates, teammates, and other pfriends next fall. The Falcon Connection, our monthly e-newsletter, is one of the best ways to learn more as the Homecoming schedule is developed. If you aren’t receiving the Falcon Connection, send your email address to advance@pfeiffer.edu.

Pfeiffer University Alumni Cruise
Set sail with your Pfeiffer classmates on a spectacular 8-night Eastern Caribbean cruise in January 2026. Partnering with Expedia Cruises, the University’s Alumni Association has chosen an itinerary that departs from Port Canaveral aboard Princess Cruise Lines’ Sky Princess. Ports of call include St. Thomas USVI, St Maarten, San Juan PR, and Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos. Prices start at $1,499 per person. A $250 per person deposit is due by May 15, 2025. Final payment is due by October 1, 2025. More information can be found at the link below and at ExpediaCruises.com/BelmontNC. Or reach out to Adriana at adphillips@expediacruises.com or (704) 585-1275.