Laser Tag
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Misenheimer, N.C., North Lawn
Casino Night
8:00 pm – 11:00 pm, Langley Lounge – Stokes Student Center, Misenheimer
Commencement Information
May 2025 Commencement
Undergraduate degree candidates and Graduate degree candidates
Saturday May 10th, 2025, Ceremony begins at 9 a.m.
Front Lawn in front of Jordan Hall, Misenheimer Campus
Student Information:
- Graduation Requirements:
- Account Balances: All financial obligations to the University must be paid before graduation.
- Mandatory Rehearsal for Undergraduate students who attend the Misenhimer Campus: Friday, May 9th at 9 am, arrive no later than 9:45am
- Commencement Ceremony Information:
- Arrival time day of ceremony: Students graduating should arrive by 7:45am in Henry Pfeiffer Chapel
- Dress: Come dressed in your academic regalia (cap/gown) and business attire with comfortable shoes. Shoes with flat bottoms are recommended as the ceremony will be held outside, and heels can sink into the ground. Don’t bring purses, personal items, etc. as there is no secure location for them. Leave those items with your guests.
- Undergraduate Honor cords: If a student has earned honors, they will be presented at the time of check-in on the day of commencement.
- Cap/Gown order information: You can ship them to your home or set them for a bookstore pick up to avoid the shipping fees.
- Live Streaming: The ceremony will be live streamed here and on the Pfeiffer YouTube channel.
Guest Information:
- Arrival time: The seating area for guests opens at 7:30am.
- Tickets: There will not be any tickets dispersed.
- Seating is first-come, first-served, but there should be ample seating for all who choose to attend the ceremony.
- Accessibility Accommodations: Any accommodations for guests with special needs, including parking, should be communicated via by May 1st.
- Parking: Guests may park in any campus parking lot. Police will be out directing to open lots.
Please direct all other inquiries to