Center for Deacon Education
Grow your Faith. Serve your community.
In partnership with Wesley Theological Seminary, the Center for Deacon Education provides deacon education and ordination in the United Methodist faith.
In the United Methodist Church, the Order of Deacon leads the congregation in its servant ministry and equips and supports all baptized Christians in their ministry alongside the Order of Elder (ministry of word, sacrament and order).
Courses are designed specifically to prepare persons for ministry as deacons. Complete over 32 semester hours (SH), fulfilling the requirements for the Advanced Course of Study in the United Methodist Church.
Since 2006, Pfeiffer and Wesley have helped more than 100 UMC students prepare for deacon ordination. Click here to learn more.
View a video celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Order of Deacon.

- CM 251 UM Polity
- CM 270 Evangelism in the Contemporary Church and World
- CM 205 Globalization and Mission in the Contemporary World
- BI 201 Survey of Old Testament
- BI 202 Survey of New Testament
- CH 201 Introduction to Church History
- ST 202 Systematic Theology
- ST 462 UM History and Doctrine
- PW 205 Christian Worship
Wesley Theological Seminary