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Residence Halls & Suites
The Residence Life team helps you create a home away from home. As an on-campus resident, you’ll live in a peer community that is conveniently accessible to all Pfeiffer resources, campus gatherings, and community events.
Residence halls are co-educational by floor unless otherwise noted, and are split into quads. Each quad is staffed with Resident Assistants (RAs) who will help you settle in, find resources, and establish harmonious living arrangements with other students.
North Quad
Cline Hall

Cline is co-educational by floor and home to Pfeiffer’s Honors living-learning community. Amenities include a lounge, laundry machines, kitchen, internet access, and air conditioning. Room dimensions vary.
Merner Hall
Co-educational by floor, Merner features a lounge, laundry machines, kitchen, internet access, and air conditioning. Room dimensions vary. Rooms 1-13 and 21-40 are about 10′ x 10′. Rooms 101-308 are about 9.5′ x 14′ (these rooms have built-in wardrobes and desks).
Washington Hall
Washington Hall houses a lounge, laundry machines, internet access, and air conditioning. Room dimensions are 10′ x 10′.
Rowe Hall
Offering a lounge, laundry machines, kitchen, internet access and air conditioning. Rooms 120-128 and 221-234 are about 10′ by 10′. Rooms 100-117, 200-217 and 300-317 are about 9.5′ by 14′ (these rooms have built-in wardrobes and desks).
South Quad
New Hall
New Hall is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors with GPAs of 3.0 or higher. Amenities include an unfurnished living room, kitchenette, laundry machines in each apartment, air conditioning, a private bath for every bedroom, and internet access. Room dimensions vary.
Vaughn Hall
Vaughn Hall features a lounge, laundry machines, internet access, air conditioning, and loftable, movable furniture. Room dimensions are 14′ x 9′.
Plyler Hall
Pylyer Hall offers a lounge, laundry machines, internet access, and air conditioning. Room dimensions are 10′ x 9′.
Kluftinger Hall
Kluftinger Hall houses a lounge, laundry machines, internet access, and air conditioning. Room dimensions are 14′ x 9′.
Ervin Hall
Ervin Hall features lounges, laundry machines, internet access, air conditioning, and loftable, movable furniture. Room dimensions are 14′ x 9’.
Residential Policy, Effective Fall 2016*:
1. Students will be required to live on campus for at least six (6) semesters;
2. After six semesters, to gain approval to move off campus, students must:
a. Be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of a 2.75.
b. Be in good social standing with no level of probation.
3. Exceptions:
a. The student is 23 years of age or older on the first date of semester classes for the Fall semester;
b. The student is married and living with her/his spouse;
c. The student is responsible for a dependent child;
d. The student is a veteran with at least two years of active military service;
e. The student resides exclusively with parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in their/her/his primary residence which is within a thirty (30) mile commute of the University;
f. The student has a documented medical condition where accommodations cannot be met by the University
4. Accountability: Students who violate this residency requirement and are found living off-campus without approval will be charged the on-campus room and board fees. Student housing contracts will be valid for the whole academic year.
*Students who receive athletic scholarships will be required to live on campus for as long as they receive that scholarship money. If a student wishes to void that amount of money to be eligible to live off campus while meeting the above off-campus requirements, they should notify Residence Life in writing of your wish to do so.
*If a student previously received approval to live off-campus, then they are still granted that approval. All requests for off-campus living, from this point and forward, will reflect the above standards.
Information for New Residents
Check out the following helpful informational pages for new residents:
Single rooms are available only to returning students.
Students are encouraged to personalize their rooms. Please use removable tape to affix posters and other decorations to the walls. The use of other types of tape, staples, or tacks of any kind may result in damage to the walls and subsequent charges for repair. Pictures and posters may be hung on the room doors, with removable tape; paint and marking pens should not be used on doors.
Residents will be charged for cleaning or repairing both sides of their room door. Residents are not allowed to paint their room. Any university-provided furniture cannot be removed from the room. Any alteration to the room that causes damage to the room is the responsibility of the occupants of that room. Any decoration which adds significantly to the combustibility of the room is prohibited.
Residence hall room sizes vary by building. See the above Residence Hall descriptions for details.
Residence hall rooms do not have active telephone service. Students should plan to use a cell phone.
Yes! Some restrictions do apply based on size and breed. Please review the Pet Policy for all information and procedures.
Yes, all students are able to register cars on campus. Visit this page for more specific parking information.
Returning students participate in the room selection process to reserve rooms for the upcoming year. This process will be completed in the first week of March prior to spring break. The first step in the process is payment of a housing deposit.
New/entering students’ room assignments are completed through the Housing Application. After paying the enrollment deposit, new students may submit a completed housing application to the Office of Student Development. On the application, students indicate their preferences for housing and roommates (if applicable). New students’ room assignments are made based on the information provided in the application.
Although entering students (first-year, transfer and re-admitted) are given no guarantee of assignment to a specific building or room, every attempt is made to honor students’ first or second preferences. Also, Residence Life will attempt to honor roommate requests when all students involved have mutually agreed in writing before the Housing Application priority deadline (mid-July). The university will assign roommates for students who do not express roommate preferences. In general, entering students are assigned rooms in accordance with the dates on which the college receives their completed application and room preference materials. The college does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation in those assignments.
Housing assignments will be made after June 15th. Shortly after your assignment is made, it will be posted to your my.pfeiffer account. We encourage you to contact your roommate(s) and begin to get to know one another and start planning what each of you will be bringing for your room. You will have an opportunity to discuss the residence program and other aspects of college life by attending SOAR.
NOTE: If you have not received your room assignment by Aug. 1 or have questions, please contact the Office of Residence Life at (704) 463-3404, Mon. through Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Students are able to move into the residence halls on or after the designated dates published each semester. Typically, early arrivals cannot be accommodated.
Any packages for resident students should be mailed to arrive after the student arrives on campus.
Roommates don’t always agree on everything. That’s okay. But if you and your roommate are having difficulty living together, a variety of strategies can help. Moving to a different room without first trying to work things out with your roommate is not an option. So, here’s what you need to do to begin to work out those differences:
- Talk with your roommate! Let him/her know what’s on your mind. Roommates aren’t mind readers. Maybe he or she has no idea that you would like something to change!
- If you talk with your roommate and aren’t able to work out the issues, talk with your resident assistant (RA). They are available to help you and they’ve been trained to help people work out conflicts.
- So, you’ve tried talking with your roommate, and you’ve received some help from your RA, but you still have some concerns — now it’s time to get the Residence Life head staff involved. In some cases, the Resident Director or Director of Residence Life may coach you a little on how to approach your roommate differently; in other cases, however, s/he may meet with the two of you together to help you communicate with one another.
Residents may host visitors/guests in their residence hall with the consent of their roommate and/or suitemates. Visitors of the opposite sex should always be escorted in the halls, stairwells and rooms.
During the day, students can visit the Office of Residence Life 103A, Stokes Student Center to check out a spare key for 15 minutes. After 5 p.m. or before 9 a.m., they can visit the RA Office in 103C, Stokes Student Center or call the Resident Director on Call. A $5 fine will be placed on a student’s account each time this happens after the first (free) one.
Students can bring a compact personal refrigerator, provided it is smaller than 4.3 cubic feet.
Cooking facilities are located in some residence halls. Cline, Merner, Rowe, and Vaughn residence halls have kitchens located on the first floor.
A First Bank is located nearby but off campus in Richfield.
Each residence hall has laundry facilities within. Cost for using the facilities is covered through the resident fees.
First-year students are housed in Merner, Rowe and Cline. All halls are staffed and offer programs to assist first-year students.
Approximately 550 students live on Pfeiffer’s Misenheimer campus.
Residence hall rooms are typically furnished with a bed, dresser, desk, desk chair and closet for each resident.
Yes, the Residential Policy states that all students are required to live on campus in residence halls for six semesters. See the Residential Policy above for more details.
Pfeiffer assumes no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage to personal property, even if that loss was caused by the failure of a university mechanical system such as a pipe bursting. We strongly encourage you to have insurance coverage before you begin residency. Typically, such coverage may be provided by extension of a homeowner’s policy, renter’s insurance or insurance specifically for college students. Many vendors offer low cost insurance specifically directed to the college environment.
The university does not provide mailboxes for residential students. Many students rent Post Office boxes from the Misenheimer Post Office located on campus. Cost is typically around $70 for a calendar year.
For such needs as burned out light bulbs, plumbing or general maintenance issues, e-mail your RA. Your RA will submit a work order to the Pfeiffer Facilities staff.
Residents are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and private bathrooms. A University facilities staff member cleans only the common areas of each building, including hallways, parlors, kitchens, and community bathrooms.
University staff members may enter your room for health and safety inspections (which typically happen once each semester), suspicion of illegal activities/policy infractions, or maintenance concerns. Notice of upcoming health and safety inspections will be posted throughout the entire residence hall prior to the actual inspection.
Quiet hours are designated times when residents are required to refrain from making sounds that can be heard from outside their rooms. Quiet hours are 11 p.m.–10 a.m. on nights that precede morning classes, and 1 a.m.–10 a.m. on nights preceding mornings with no scheduled classes. These hours allow a period when studying and sleeping can be accomplished. Failure to acknowledge quiet hours will result in disciplinary action.
Courtesy hours are similar to quiet hours but last 24 hours a day. These require students to respect their fellow residents and agree to all requests to lower their volume when their fellow community members are disturbed by the noise. Courtesy hours let residents maximize the use of their hall space even during times not specifically designated as quiet hours.